- Campus : MIRAE Campus
- Department : Division of Health Administration
- Tel : +82-337602415
- Office : Changjo-hall #407
- Associate Professor
Educational Background (학력)
Ph.D. (2016) 연세대학교 대학원 보건행정학과(박사)
M.P.H.(2008) 연세대학교 대학원 보건행정학과(석사)
B.S. (2006) 연세대학교 보건과학대학 보건행정학과(학사)
M.P.H.(2008) 연세대학교 대학원 보건행정학과(석사)
B.S. (2006) 연세대학교 보건과학대학 보건행정학과(학사)
Work Experience (경력)
2008.8 ~ 2009.2 보건산업진흥원 - 연구원
2009.3 ~ 2011.2 한국보건사회연구원, 한국건강증진개발원
2011.3 ~ 2012.2 건강보험심사평가원 - 주임연구원
2012.3 ~ 2017.2 연세대학교 원주의대 - 조교 및 연구강사
2017.3 ~ 2023.2 배재대학교 - 조교수/부교수
2009.3 ~ 2011.2 한국보건사회연구원, 한국건강증진개발원
2011.3 ~ 2012.2 건강보험심사평가원 - 주임연구원
2012.3 ~ 2017.2 연세대학교 원주의대 - 조교 및 연구강사
2017.3 ~ 2023.2 배재대학교 - 조교수/부교수
Academic and Professional Activities (학술활동)
한국보건행정학회, 한국병원경영학회, 한국학교지역보건교육학회 (이사 및 편집위원)
통계청 - 통계품질진단 연구원 (비상근)
건강보험심사평가원 - 객원연구위원 (비상근)
Discover Public Health - Associate Editor
Frontiers in Public Health - Board Member
PLOS Global Public Health - Guest Editor
Thirdhand Smoke Resource Center in US - Affiliated Researcher
통계청 - 통계품질진단 연구원 (비상근)
건강보험심사평가원 - 객원연구위원 (비상근)
Discover Public Health - Associate Editor
Frontiers in Public Health - Board Member
PLOS Global Public Health - Guest Editor
Thirdhand Smoke Resource Center in US - Affiliated Researcher
Dr. MB Park is a distinguished researcher and academic with extensive experience in public health, tobacco control, and health policy analysis. Over the years, Dr. Park has contributed to many studies and projects that address critical health issues such as child mortality, smoking, chronic disease management, and the impact of social determinants on health outcomes.
Key projects include:
- Evaluation of Secondhand/Thirdhand Smoke Exposure: Development of intervention methods to reduce exposure to smoking-related toxins.
- Longitudinal Studies on Mortality and Life Expectancy: Investigating trends across 200 countries over three decades.
- Chronic Disease Management Strategy Development: Middle and long-term strategies for managing chronic diseases in the Chungcheong region of South Korea.
- COVID-19 Public Health Impact: Analysis of global trends and vaccine effectiveness.
- Mental Health and Suicide Risk in Racial Minorities: Research focused on the mental health challenges and suicide risk among racial minorities and multicultural families
Key projects include:
- Evaluation of Secondhand/Thirdhand Smoke Exposure: Development of intervention methods to reduce exposure to smoking-related toxins.
- Longitudinal Studies on Mortality and Life Expectancy: Investigating trends across 200 countries over three decades.
- Chronic Disease Management Strategy Development: Middle and long-term strategies for managing chronic diseases in the Chungcheong region of South Korea.
- COVID-19 Public Health Impact: Analysis of global trends and vaccine effectiveness.
- Mental Health and Suicide Risk in Racial Minorities: Research focused on the mental health challenges and suicide risk among racial minorities and multicultural families